Sunday AM SermonsThe Best Gift: Did You Lose It?
Have you ever received a gift, only to later lose it? Did you search frantically to find it? How did you feel once that gift was found? God has promised us a gift...the gift of the Holy Spirit. But, what does that mean? What does that gift do for us, mean to us, and how does it help us? Listen to hear these questions answered. By: Aaron Baker Text: Acts 2:36-39 The Best Gift Ever: Is Free
We love to give gifts don't we? Seeing the smile on the face of the recipient makes us feel good, right? The best gift is a free gift! Maybe your most special gift is one colored by a child. They have no money, yet they give you that gift out of love. Kids can melt your heart! God has given us a gift...a free gift. It was an expensive gift, but it is free to us. That gift is Jesus Christ! As you think about giving and receiving gifts at Christmas time, reflect on the best gift ever given: Jesus! By: Aaron Baker Text: Romans 5:6-11 12/21/14 The Best Gift Ever: Is You
What is the best gift you can give to someone? The best gift is YOU! Too often we try and offer God broken gifts, which are half-hearted attempts at serving and worshiping Him. Instead of giving broken gifts, let's offer to God the BEST we have. Listen here to learn how to give the best you have...YOU! By: Aaron Baker Text: Romans 12:1, 2 12/14/14 The Best Gift Ever: Was a Ram
What is the best gift you have ever received? Mine was a San Francisco 49ers football jacket. I loved it and wore it all day, everyday. Who cares if it was 90 degrees outside, I loved that jacket! Abraham received two unexpected gifts from God. The first was his son. The second, was a ram. A ram? That right, and not the truck-kind either. This sermon retells the story of Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac and looks at it from the father's perspective. What a defining moment of faith for Abraham! Listen to learn more. By: Aaron Baker Text: Gen 22:1-13 12/7/14 Being Thankful: For a Future
What would you like to do in the future? Do you have any plans? We all make plans! But, how much effort do you put into planning for your future? We examine Isaiah 35 (that's right, not 53) to discover God's message of hope for his people. Listen and be encouraged! By: Aaron Baker Text: Isaiah 35:1-10 11/30/14 Being Thankful: For Freedom
How did you celebrate veteran's day? Did you attend a parade? School assembly? If you did, most likely you had a lump in your throat or a tear in your eye as you contemplated the sacrifice of those who have given their lives so we could live in freedom. How much sweeter is our spiritual freedom than our physical freedom! Jesus died so we could be spiritually free! Listen here as we explore the importance of being thankful for our spiritual freedom. By: Aaron Baker Text: Romans 6:16-20 11/16/14 Being Thankful: For Family
How do we build thankful families? One great way is to look at dysfunctional families and learn what went wrong and not repeat the same mistakes. Joseph and his brothers are a great lessons in dysfunctional relationships, yet in the end, they experience forgiveness. How can we build Thankful families? How can we go from dysfunctional to functional? How can we become thankful? Learn from the life of Joseph and see how to be thankful in your life. By: Aaron Baker Text: Gen 45:1-5 11/9/14 Being Thankful: For Friends
We are going to spend an entire month gearing our minds towards being thankful. The month of November will see sermons on various topics, but all driving home the point that Christians should be thankful people. This week, we examine how to identify terrible friends, and how we can be thankful for true friends. By: Aaron Baker Text: John 15:13-15 11/2/14 CrossFit: Determine your Progress
Ok, so you decide to make changes in your life, you start making those changes and you begin developing. But, how are you doing? Are those changes doing any good? having any effect? Helping you in your walk with God? In order to know, you have to have a benchmark to measure from. What is your benchmark? How will you know you are growing? Listen now to discover what your benchmark should be and how to know if you are making any progress. By: Aaron Baker Text: 1 Peter 1:5, 6 10/26/14 CrossFit: Develop
How are you developing? Are you developing in your spiritual life, or are you staying the same? Christians are not encouraged through Scripture to just do the old "tried and true" and "sit back and relax", rather, Christians are always challenged to grow. Are you growing and developing? By: Aaron Baker Text: 1 Peter 5:6-12 10/19/14 CrossFit: Do
Once you decide to make a change in your life, whether is physically (exercise, lose weight, change jobs) that decision has to be followed up with action. You have to DO what you have decided to DO. Easier said than done, right? Listen to this sermon and learn how you can continue to accomplish and DO what you are trying to DO. By: Aaron Baker Text: Luke 9:62 10/12/14 CrossFit: Decide
There is an exercise craze sweeping across America. It's called: CrossFit. The idea is not to be a "specialized" athlete, like a javelin thrower, high-jumper, or sprinter, but rather to be cross trained in several different areas and thereby increase your overall "fitness". As Christians, how "fit" are we? Do we excel in quoting a few Scriptures, but really don't know the overall story of the Bible? Listen how to become CrossFit and ready for the return of Jesus. By: Aaron Baker Text : Luke 18:8 10/5/14 Are You Contagious?
The Ebola outbreak in Africa has the world gripped with fear and curiosity: Am I contagious? Are you contagious? What is Ebola? What is the cure? Christians are supposed to be contagious! Not with Ebola, but with the saving message of the Gospel of Christ. If we are not contagious, then we are like 2 tribes of Israel who were at first unwilling to help their brothers take the promised ground. Moses asked: Will you sit here while your brothers go to war? Christians, ask yourself: Will you sit there while souls around you are losing the spiritual war? By: Aaron Baker Text: Numbers 32:6-15 9/28/14 Attitudes: How to Get Along
One of the hardest things to do in work, life, school, and at church is to get along with people. So, what are the secrets to getting along? Listen to see what Paul recommends to two ladies in the Scriptures that had trouble getting along. By: Aaron Baker Text: Philippians 4:2-9 9/14/14 Attitudes: Prayer (pt 2)
This week we focus in on one outstanding example of the power of prayer: Hezekiah's prayer in the face of an Assyrian army attack. God answered his prayer, but HOW Hezekiah prayed is analyzed in this sermon. By: Aaron Baker Text: 2 Kings 19:14-19 9/7/14 Attitudes: Prayer (pt 1)
What is an underutilized, often forgotten tool that Christians should use more readily? Prayer! This sermons helps us to understand what attitude many people have towards prayer, and focuses on what attitude we should have towards prayer. Strengthen your prayer life by listening to this sermon. By: Aaron Baker Text: 1 Kings 3:7-14 8/31/14 Attitudes: Waiting
Who likes to wait? Not many people! Waiting is so hard, but bearable if that for which you are waiting is worth it. Heaven will be worth it...but in the meantime, how are you doing at waiting? Listen to some practical points that help us know how to wait for that wonderful day. By Aaron Baker Text: Hebrews 3:12-14 8/24/14 Attitudes: Ready for Christ's Return?
John prepared the way for the Lord to come. Through his preaching he was calling people to repentance and to prove their repentance by bearing "fruits". As John prepares people for Christ's coming onto the scene people committed to change. We live after the fact of Christ's initial coming, but he will return. Are you committed to change and prepared for His return? By Aaron Baker Text: Luke 3:7-14 8/17/14 4 Characteristics to be Respected
We all want respect, right? Though it is eagerly desired, how does one get respect? The king Solomon, through the Holy Spirit, shows us how to gain respect from those around us. These 4 characteristics, if put to work in your life, will help you gain respect from those around you. By Aaron Baker Text: Proverbs 7/20/14 Rhetorical Questions
What are they, and how are they used in the Bible? This sermon addresses the topic of rhetorical questions, shows examples of their use in the Bible, and uncovers their importance for us today. By Aaron Baker Text: Matthew 7:1-4 6/22/14 A Father Who Failed
No father sets out to fail. Yet, some fathers are successful in raising their kids and some are, well...failures. It is good to look at failures because then we know what went wrong, and what needs to be fixed. This week we examine the life of Eli and see how he was an epic failure at being a father. By Aaron Baker Text: 1 Samuel 2:12-17 6/15/14 Fear of God
When you think of fearing God, you probably think about the shaking-in-your-boots kind of fear that makes you want to run away from Him and hide. We need to fear God, but not in that way! Listen to this sermon on fear and learn what it REALLY means to fear God and what that involves. By Aaron Baker Text: Matthew 10:28-31 6/8/14 Fear of Rejection
Why do we fear rejection so much? Whether in dating, public speaking, or life in general, we all seem to have a fear of rejection. Did you know Jesus was rejected...and often! How did he overcome rejection? What can we do to overcome rejection? Listen and learn... By Aaron Baker Text: John 6:60-69 6/1/14 Self Esteem
Over-inflated or under-inflated? Like a tire, if your self-esteem is too high or too low... the results can be detrimental to yourself and others. What does the Bible have to say about our self-esteem? God wants you to know you are important, you are beautiful, and you are worthy! Listen to the full sermon now. By: Aaron Baker Text: Romans 5:6-11 5/18/14 What kind of a Mother are you? Mother's Day Sermon
We look at several kinds of mothers found in the Bible. Which kind of a mother are you? Which kind of mother did you have? Which kind of mother would you like to be? As much as we love our we love God more? By Aaron Baker Text: Genesis 27:6-13 5/11/14 Discipleship: Numbers Matter
Jesus died on the cross, between two thieves. If he was innocent, then why was He "numbered with the transgressors"? What were the three most important words spoken by the angel to the women who came to Jesus' empty tomb? What's the big deal with Jesus rising from the dead? While the world celebrates this day as "Easter", again we ask, "What's the big deal?" Listen here to find out! By: Aaron Baker Text: Mark 16:1-4 4/20/14 Discipleship: Gone Wrong!
I bet you don't hear many sermons about Judas, yet here is one! Judas: considered "one of the twelve", he had a "part in this ministry" but where did he go wrong? What happened? Listen to this sermon to discover where discipleship went wrong for Judas. Are you making the same mistakes? By: Aaron Baker Text Mark 14:12-21 4/13/14 Discipleship: Time to Clean!
Spring. Flowers are growing, trees budding, grass sprouting. And...time to do some spring cleaning. Jesus did some cleaning. Twice. He "cleaned" out the temple. Some were muddying the waters and using the temple as a place to hide FROM God instead of hide IN God. Do you have some personal or spiritual spring cleaning that needs to get done? Listen and consider... By: Aaron Baker Text: Mark 11:15-19 4/6/14 Discipleship: Things that Hinder You as a Disciple
Mark chapter 10 is full of things which were could hinder disciples and keep them from the Kingdom. Do you allow these things to hinder you? By: Aaron Baker Text: Mark 10:13-16 3/30/14 |
Sunday PM SermonsFasting or Feasting?
This week we pause and take a break from our lessons on elders. A question areose regarding fasting. Should Christians fast today? We do see fasting often in the Old and New Testaments, but is it a sin not to fast? If we are to fast, who is to do it? For how long? Total fast or partial fast? Listen to consider what the Bible has to say about fasting...and email me if you have any questions. By: Aaron Baker Text: Acts 14:23 12/28/14 Elders: Lesson 10 Question of Evangelistic Oversight
Paul commanded Titus to "set in order" and "appoint" elders in the congregation in church in Crete. How much authority, if any, did that give Titus? Some believe that in lieu of having elders, the evangelist is in charge. Others believe that the evangelist simply has the right to preach the Word and is just like any other Christian, having no special authority over the chruch. What does the Bible teach on this subject? Listen here as we discuss "Evangelistic Oversight" By: Aaron Baker Text: Titus 1:5 12/21/14 Elders: Lesson 8 & 9
This week we focus on two qualities that elders must have: Not a novice, and a good reputation (testimony) among those who are outside of the church. This sermon wraps up the qualities listed in 1 Timothy 3. After this sermon, we begin to look at the qualities mentioned in Titus 1. By: Aaron Baker Text: 1 Timothy 3:6, 7 Elders: Lesson 7
This week we examine one more qualification: "having his children in submission with all reverence" and along with that "for if he does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God". Sorry, it seems last week was not recorded either. Apologies! By: Aaron Baker Text: 1 Timothy 3:4, 5 12/7/14 Elders: Lesson 5
This week we examine two qualifications: "Able to teach" and "Not given to wine". What does it mean to be able to teach? How does teaching occur? What does it mean to be "not given to wine"? Does this imply you can have a "little wine" as long as you are not given to it? Listen to learn... Lesson 4 did not get recorded last week. Sorry... By Aaron Baker Text: 1 Tim 3:2, 3 11/9/14 Elders: Lesson 3
What does it mean to be temperate? What aboutsober-minded? Why would these qualities be important to someone desiring to serve in the capacity as an elder? Listen to learn... By: Aaron Baker Text 1 Timothy 3:2 10/26/14 Elders: Lesson 2
What are the qualifications of an elder? Are they more qualifications to be "checked off" or are they more innate qualities that have been carefully developed and cultivated? This week we look at 2 qualities: Blameless and Husband of one wife. *Lesson 1 not recorded last week, sorry. By: Aaron Baker Text: 1 Tim 3:2 10/19/14 We Believe: In One Church
When Jesus promised to build His church in Mt 16:18-19, did He mean it? Let's look at metaphors, word pictures used to describe the church, to help us grasp the unique identity of the church. By: Aaron Baker Text: Eph 1:22, 23 10/5/14 We Believe: In Baptism
Is baptism important, or is it just a "good idea"? Listen to this sermon to discover how Baptism is critical to your salvation. By: Aaron Baker Text: Acts 2:38 9/28/14 We Believe: In the Godhead
The word "Trinity" is not in the Bible, but, the word "Godhead" is! What does the Bible teach about the identity of God? God in three persons, how can this be? Isn't this the same as believing in three gods? Nope/ Listen here to hear why this topic is important, why it matters, and what the Bible really teaches on this subject. By: Aaron Baker Text: Romans 1:20; Colossians 2:9 9/14/14 We Believe: Taking the Lord's Supper Every First Day of the Week (pt 2)
The second sermon in this series zeroes in on 1 Corinthians 16:2 to show that the collection and the Lord's Supper is to be done / taken "each and every" first day of the week. Encourage yourself as we take a look at the History, Logic, and Language behind taking the Lord's Supper on the "Lord's Day". By: Aaron Baker Text: 1 Corinthians 16:2; Revelation 1:10 9/7/14 We Believe: Taking the Lord's Supper Every First Day of the Week (pt 1)
Some groups take the Lord's Supper once a month, quarter, Friday nights or Saturday nights. What does the Bible teach about taking the Lord's Supper? Should it be taken weekly or at other times? Find out by listening to this sermon. By: Aaron Baker Text: Acts 20:7 8/31/14 What Christians should know about Government
Like the government or not, the Bible does teach regarding how we must view our government. We are to obey our government, but to what extent? In all circumstances, or are there "exclusions"? Find out by listening to this sermon. By Aaron Baker Text: Romans 13:1-7 8/24/14 Are you Quenching the Spirit?
An unusual command is given by Paul in one of the longest "lists" in the New Testament showing how Christians were to live their lives. This statement forces us to ask ourselves, "Am I quenching the Spirit?" What does this mean? Listen to find out... By Aaron Baker Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:21-23 6/15/14 Christian Pursuits
As Christians, what should we be doing on a daily basis? How should we be living our lives? Paul gives one of the most complete lists in the NT showing what Christians can pursue to be in-line with God's will. Listen here to find out what they are. By Aaron Baker Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18 6/1/14 Work of the Elders
Paul wrote this letter to the Thessalonians about 2-3 months after the church was started there. Yet many scholars suggest that Paul addresses the elders in their work. If so, we see great descriptions mentioned about the work which elders should be doing. IN addition, we see work which church members should be doing. Listen to this sermon about the work of elders and members alike. By Aaron Baker Text 1 Thessalonians 5:12, 13 5/18/14 Rapture Ruptured: Studying the Second Coming of Christ
What really is going to happen when Christ returns? Will Jesus return to this earth and set up his kingdom and reign for 1,000 years? Paul shows us, as he showed the Christians in Thessalonica what the return of Christ would be like. By: Aaron Baker Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 5/4/14 Old Habits Die Hard...But They Do Die!
Christians in Thessalonica struggled, much as we do today. How did they kill those old habits? How did they rid themselves of those self-destructive tendancies? Listen here to find out! By Aaron Baker Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 4/27/14 Qualities of a Leader
What do you look for in a leader? Are you a leader? If not, how would you even become one? Paul shows us what it takes to be a leader. By: Aaron Baker Text 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 4/6/14 Empty Vs Worthwhile Things
Paul said his labor was not in "vain" when coming to those in Thessalonica. What are some things in your life that are "empty"? What are some "worthwhile" things and what are they? Find out by listening to this sermon. By: Aaron Baker Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:1 3/30/14 |
Lessons from our Spring Gospel Meeting (March 19-23rd). Listen to Lessons on the Home:
Lesson #1: What Makes a House a Home?
-By Aaron Baker, 3/19/14
Lesson #1: What Makes a House a Home?
-By Aaron Baker, 3/19/14
Lesson #2: Home Demolition: Things that are destroying our homes.
-By Johnny Hinton, 3/20/14
-By Johnny Hinton, 3/20/14
Lesson #3: How to Build a Godly Home.
-By Aaron Baker, 3/21/14
-By Aaron Baker, 3/21/14
Lesson #4: How to Come Back Home.
-By Johnny Hinton, 3/22/14
-By Johnny Hinton, 3/22/14
Lesson #5: How to be Part of the House of God
-By Johnny Hinton, 3/23/14
-By Johnny Hinton, 3/23/14
Discipleship: Struggles
Mark chapters 9 and 10 show many struggles Jesus' disciples faced. How did the disciples cope? How did they overcome their struggles? By Aaron Baker Text: Mark 9:1, 12, 10 3/16/14 Discipleship: Liar, Lunatic or Lord?
Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. If his claim was false, then He was either a liar or a lunatic. If his claim was true, then he is our Lord. This look into Jesus' claims was made popular by CS Lewis and Josh McDowell. This sermon takes a closer look...from Mark's perspective. By Aaron Baker Text: Mark 7:20-23 3/9/14 Discipleship: Overcoming the Storms of Life
Obeying the Gospel Means...
What does it mean to obey the Gospel? Paul shares with the Thessalonians and reminds them (and us) what it means to obey the Gospel. By Aaron baker Text: 1 Thess 1:5-10 3/16/14 Power of a Praying Preacher: 1 Thess 1:2-4
Prayer works, and Paul proves it. A glimpse into Paul's prayer life includes Silas, Timothy, and the church at Thessalonica. By Aaron Baker Text: 1 Thess 1:2-4 3/9/14 Grace VS Works: 1 Thess 1:3
Continuing to work our way through 1 Thessalonians, we take a brief pause to examine the idea of Grace vs Works. How are we saved anyway? Is it all by grace? Is it all by works? Or, do these two go hand-in-hand? By Aaron Baker Text: 1 Thessalonians 1:3 2/23/14 Thinking Thru Thessalonians
This Sun PM sermon uncovers key chapter themes and overall book themes hidden away like jewels in the book of 1 Thessalonians. Take this journey with us and be richer for it! By: Aaron Baker Text: 1 Thessalonians 2/9/14 Click HERE to view the Prezi for this sermon Are You Making an Impact?
There is much to learn from the book of 1 Thessalonians. This sermon shows us how the church in Thessalonica made an impact for Christ. Listen to learn how you can also make an impact for Christ. By Aaron Baker Date: 2/2/2014 Helpers Along the Way.
Continuing our look at Paul's co-workers who helped spread the Gospel, we look this week at James, Luke & Jason. These three were indeed "helpers along the way" to Paul. By Aaron Baker Date 1/26/14 Click HERE to view the Prezi for this sermon. It takes a TEAM to spread the Gospel.
Peter did not work alone to start the church. Paul did not work alone. What is it going to take to spread the Gospel? Teamwork! By: Aaron Baker Date 1/12/14 Click HERE to view Prezi for this sermon. |