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Preparing the Soil: Preparing to do Hard Things
Don't be afraid to do hard things! So often, when something is hard we quit, or even worse, we don't even offer an attempt. Alexander the Great has said, "There is nothing impossible to him who will try." It is critical that we attempt, that we try!
It is ok to do hard things! Jeremiah was a prophet in the Old Testament who had to do hard things. He discovered that with the Lord on your side, you can do MUCH more than you think you can!
Aaron Baker
Text: Jeremiah 1:7-9
Don't be afraid to do hard things! So often, when something is hard we quit, or even worse, we don't even offer an attempt. Alexander the Great has said, "There is nothing impossible to him who will try." It is critical that we attempt, that we try!
It is ok to do hard things! Jeremiah was a prophet in the Old Testament who had to do hard things. He discovered that with the Lord on your side, you can do MUCH more than you think you can!
Aaron Baker
Text: Jeremiah 1:7-9

Preparing the Soil
Before one can have a harvest, one must consider all the planning and preparation of how they are going to attain the harvest. When considering how we will accomplish a goal, it may be helpful to work backwards. That is, we might need to consider what the end result is that we are trying to accomplish. Next, we might need to consider the steps we need to take in order to get to our goal. Last, these steps help us come up with a plan to know where we are, and where we need to begin in order to accomplish our goal.
Preparing for heaven means we need to begin now to lay out a path which will help us attain that goal. It will take all our might, affection, actions, influence, and hope. Above all, it will take Jesus' help. Listen here to learn more
Aaron Baker
Text: 1 Chronicles 29:1-3
Before one can have a harvest, one must consider all the planning and preparation of how they are going to attain the harvest. When considering how we will accomplish a goal, it may be helpful to work backwards. That is, we might need to consider what the end result is that we are trying to accomplish. Next, we might need to consider the steps we need to take in order to get to our goal. Last, these steps help us come up with a plan to know where we are, and where we need to begin in order to accomplish our goal.
Preparing for heaven means we need to begin now to lay out a path which will help us attain that goal. It will take all our might, affection, actions, influence, and hope. Above all, it will take Jesus' help. Listen here to learn more
Aaron Baker
Text: 1 Chronicles 29:1-3