A Fresh Start with Progress
Starting is great! Making progress is wonderful! But ending something is the culmination of all the hard work you've put in! As we end the year looking at the book of Nehemiah, we notice that things seemed to start well, progress well, but by the end of the book of Nehemiah the wheels seem to be coming off of the cart. Does this feel like your faith at times? Perhaps you are a Christian, and perhaps you've journeyed far in your faith, but lately does it seem like your faith is chaotic? Listen or watch as we look at the book of Nehemiah to see how they ended the book and how we can end our faith.
Aaron Baker
Text: Nehemiah 8:2, 3
Starting is great! Making progress is wonderful! But ending something is the culmination of all the hard work you've put in! As we end the year looking at the book of Nehemiah, we notice that things seemed to start well, progress well, but by the end of the book of Nehemiah the wheels seem to be coming off of the cart. Does this feel like your faith at times? Perhaps you are a Christian, and perhaps you've journeyed far in your faith, but lately does it seem like your faith is chaotic? Listen or watch as we look at the book of Nehemiah to see how they ended the book and how we can end our faith.
Aaron Baker
Text: Nehemiah 8:2, 3
A Fresh Start with Building
We all tend to have areas in our lives which need to be built up. Whether it is our physical endurance or our emotional maturity, building things up is important! In this sermon we take a look at how Nehemiah was able to be successful in accomplishing a huge task. There was success when Nehemiah and others prayed, planned, and then got to the work of building the wall around Jerusalem. Without everyone helping, success would not come. Am I willing to step in and help?
Aaron Baker
Text: Nehemiah 1:1-4
We all tend to have areas in our lives which need to be built up. Whether it is our physical endurance or our emotional maturity, building things up is important! In this sermon we take a look at how Nehemiah was able to be successful in accomplishing a huge task. There was success when Nehemiah and others prayed, planned, and then got to the work of building the wall around Jerusalem. Without everyone helping, success would not come. Am I willing to step in and help?
Aaron Baker
Text: Nehemiah 1:1-4
A Fresh Start With Deliverance
Deliverance usually begins with a need which one cannot fulfill themselves. It might be a person in peril who needs deliverance, or an animal stuck in a mud pit. Both need outside help and both need deliverance. God's people of the Old Testament had really gotten themselves in a mess! They had done some of the very things which God asked them not to do, and now they were reaping the consequences. In spite of their sin, there was still hope because God is a God of deliverance!
Aaron Baker
Text: Ezra 9:13
Deliverance usually begins with a need which one cannot fulfill themselves. It might be a person in peril who needs deliverance, or an animal stuck in a mud pit. Both need outside help and both need deliverance. God's people of the Old Testament had really gotten themselves in a mess! They had done some of the very things which God asked them not to do, and now they were reaping the consequences. In spite of their sin, there was still hope because God is a God of deliverance!
Aaron Baker
Text: Ezra 9:13
A Fresh Start With Direction
As we come closer to the end of the year, we are reminded to move forward, not backward. Is your faith moving forward, even in challenging times? Ezra and God's people faced some extremely challenging times, yet if they put God first, they would continue to move forward in a godly direction. Will I do the same?
Aaron Baker
Text: Ezra 3:1
As we come closer to the end of the year, we are reminded to move forward, not backward. Is your faith moving forward, even in challenging times? Ezra and God's people faced some extremely challenging times, yet if they put God first, they would continue to move forward in a godly direction. Will I do the same?
Aaron Baker
Text: Ezra 3:1
A Fresh Start With Hope
Is there anything more terrible than not having hope? Jesus uses the parable of the Prodigal Son to challenge our attitudes about those who go astray, those who lose others and have to watch them go astray, as well as our attitudes when those who are lost return. What a powerful parable about the Prodigal Son to teach us about love, loss, and hope. There is hope if we will come back to the Lord!
Aaron Baker
Text: Luke 15:11-32
Is there anything more terrible than not having hope? Jesus uses the parable of the Prodigal Son to challenge our attitudes about those who go astray, those who lose others and have to watch them go astray, as well as our attitudes when those who are lost return. What a powerful parable about the Prodigal Son to teach us about love, loss, and hope. There is hope if we will come back to the Lord!
Aaron Baker
Text: Luke 15:11-32
A Fresh Start for the Fallen
Focus for the last two weeks of this month is upon reaching out to those Christians who have fallen away from the faith. Using Jesus' parables about the lost sheep and lost coin, we discover the value and importance of those who are lost. It is in fact possible to fall away from the faith and become lost after one was saved. It is also possible to be restored once lost. There is hope for those who have fallen away from the faith. Will the faithful reach out to those who are not?
Aaron Baker
Text: Luke 15:1-10
Focus for the last two weeks of this month is upon reaching out to those Christians who have fallen away from the faith. Using Jesus' parables about the lost sheep and lost coin, we discover the value and importance of those who are lost. It is in fact possible to fall away from the faith and become lost after one was saved. It is also possible to be restored once lost. There is hope for those who have fallen away from the faith. Will the faithful reach out to those who are not?
Aaron Baker
Text: Luke 15:1-10
Giving, Thanksgiving, and Forgiving
Guest Speaker Jimmy Colvett reminds us of the importance of Giving, Thanksgiving, and Forgiving. Thank you Jimmy for the reminder, encouragement and challenge to do better!
Jimmy Colvett
Text: Psalm 100:1-6
Guest Speaker Jimmy Colvett reminds us of the importance of Giving, Thanksgiving, and Forgiving. Thank you Jimmy for the reminder, encouragement and challenge to do better!
Jimmy Colvett
Text: Psalm 100:1-6
Flavor Your Walk with Honey
Guest speaker Nate Birt shows us some great lessons from Psalm 119 as we discover similarities between the sweetness of God's word and honey. Great lesson Nate!
Nate Birt
Text: Psalm 119:97-104
Guest speaker Nate Birt shows us some great lessons from Psalm 119 as we discover similarities between the sweetness of God's word and honey. Great lesson Nate!
Nate Birt
Text: Psalm 119:97-104
Not All Fresh Starts are Good
Sometimes we get a fresh start, but continue doing the same old things. A man fired from a job for embezzlement found a new job, but got right back to his old ways of stealing money from the company. Sometimes we have a fresh start, which is good, however if we do not make good use of starting over, what good has it really done us?
In this sermon we look at Ananias and Saphira and the fresh start they had with the church, but the fresh start was squandered as they lied, and sinned.
Aaron Baker
Text: Acts 5:1-12
Sometimes we get a fresh start, but continue doing the same old things. A man fired from a job for embezzlement found a new job, but got right back to his old ways of stealing money from the company. Sometimes we have a fresh start, which is good, however if we do not make good use of starting over, what good has it really done us?
In this sermon we look at Ananias and Saphira and the fresh start they had with the church, but the fresh start was squandered as they lied, and sinned.
Aaron Baker
Text: Acts 5:1-12
A Fresh Start is Possible
Too often we sell ourselves short. We hear, and perhaps think that "I am unforgivable." In this lesson we learn that a fresh start is indeed possible. No one is too "unlovable" and no sin to terrible that we have no way back to God. A fresh start IS possible, so why not begin anew today?
Aaron Baker
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:9-21
Too often we sell ourselves short. We hear, and perhaps think that "I am unforgivable." In this lesson we learn that a fresh start is indeed possible. No one is too "unlovable" and no sin to terrible that we have no way back to God. A fresh start IS possible, so why not begin anew today?
Aaron Baker
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:9-21
A Fresh Start with Trust
Can we trust the Bible? Is it a series of Jewish myths that have been passed down over the centuries and good for moral teaching, but little else? Or, does the Bible contain the very words of God? Listen or watch this lesson as we learn that the Bible can be trusted because it contains the words of God recorded for us.
Aaron Baker
Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Can we trust the Bible? Is it a series of Jewish myths that have been passed down over the centuries and good for moral teaching, but little else? Or, does the Bible contain the very words of God? Listen or watch this lesson as we learn that the Bible can be trusted because it contains the words of God recorded for us.
Aaron Baker
Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
A Fresh Start, Like an Unknown Widow
The first resurrection that Jesus performed was for a widow who had lost her only son. How amazing that God's only Son took the time to help a widow's only son! Through this, we see the compassion of Christ on display. In addition, we see that Jesus IS the one sent to save us from our sin. Having her son back, the widow (and her son) got a second chance at life. What would you do with a second chance? (Sorry, only the audio for the first-half of the lesson was recorded)
Aaron Baker
Text: Luke 7:11-17
The first resurrection that Jesus performed was for a widow who had lost her only son. How amazing that God's only Son took the time to help a widow's only son! Through this, we see the compassion of Christ on display. In addition, we see that Jesus IS the one sent to save us from our sin. Having her son back, the widow (and her son) got a second chance at life. What would you do with a second chance? (Sorry, only the audio for the first-half of the lesson was recorded)
Aaron Baker
Text: Luke 7:11-17
A Fresh Start, Like Gideon
When we first meet Gideon in the Scriptures, he's threshing wheat while hiding from enemy marauders. Not particularly great faith on display here. But, Gideon was willing to do what needed to be done, including cleaning things out of his life and from his family that should not be there. Am I willing to do the same? In order to obey God, am I willing to get rid of sin that so easily entangles me? Am I willing to start over, and start with God? Watch below to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Judges 6:11-16
When we first meet Gideon in the Scriptures, he's threshing wheat while hiding from enemy marauders. Not particularly great faith on display here. But, Gideon was willing to do what needed to be done, including cleaning things out of his life and from his family that should not be there. Am I willing to do the same? In order to obey God, am I willing to get rid of sin that so easily entangles me? Am I willing to start over, and start with God? Watch below to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Judges 6:11-16
A Fresh Start, Like Abram
Abram (before his name was changed to Abraham) lived in a very worldly environment. Yet, God called him to an adventure of faith. Not knowing where he was going, what he was going to encounter along the way, or what obstacles he might face along the way, Abram believed God's promise and moved forward. Do I believe God's promises? Am I willing to move forward in faith EVEN THOUGH I don't know how things will turn out? Abram had a fresh start and it was a journey of faith. Watch below to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Genesis 12:1-4
Abram (before his name was changed to Abraham) lived in a very worldly environment. Yet, God called him to an adventure of faith. Not knowing where he was going, what he was going to encounter along the way, or what obstacles he might face along the way, Abram believed God's promise and moved forward. Do I believe God's promises? Am I willing to move forward in faith EVEN THOUGH I don't know how things will turn out? Abram had a fresh start and it was a journey of faith. Watch below to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Genesis 12:1-4
A Fresh Start, Like Mary
Mary of Bethany was the sister of Martha and Lazarus. She is known in the scriptures for sitting at Jesus' feet. Yet, she is also known in our text for being the one to anoint Jesus for his death and burial with very costly oil. Some, like Judas, would look at Mary's act and think, "What a waste!" Am I seeing too much negative in my life and failing to see the usefulness of things happening in the church, in my life, and in my attitude? Listen or watch to learn more about Mary's act of love.
Aaron Baker
Text: Mark 14:3-9
Mary of Bethany was the sister of Martha and Lazarus. She is known in the scriptures for sitting at Jesus' feet. Yet, she is also known in our text for being the one to anoint Jesus for his death and burial with very costly oil. Some, like Judas, would look at Mary's act and think, "What a waste!" Am I seeing too much negative in my life and failing to see the usefulness of things happening in the church, in my life, and in my attitude? Listen or watch to learn more about Mary's act of love.
Aaron Baker
Text: Mark 14:3-9
A Fresh Start, Like Zacchaeus
You probably know the song, "Zacchaeus was a wee little man, and a wee little man was he..." While many looked down on Zacchaeus due to his height, we really should be looking up to him for his humility, his love for Jesus, and his desire to do anything asked of him. This sermon looks at the change Zacchaeus made in his life and the repentance that followed. Watch, or listen below to learn more
Aaron Baker
Text: Luke 19:1-10
You probably know the song, "Zacchaeus was a wee little man, and a wee little man was he..." While many looked down on Zacchaeus due to his height, we really should be looking up to him for his humility, his love for Jesus, and his desire to do anything asked of him. This sermon looks at the change Zacchaeus made in his life and the repentance that followed. Watch, or listen below to learn more
Aaron Baker
Text: Luke 19:1-10
A Fresh Start, Like A Servant
Being a servant does not come natural to all people. The world would have you think that "survival of the fittest" needs to rule in life. However, Jesus calls His people to be servants. What is a servant? What does a servant do? We examine questions like these and seek to gain encouragement to be the servants God calls us to be. [video only, no audio]
Aaron Baker
Text: Luke 12:35-40
Being a servant does not come natural to all people. The world would have you think that "survival of the fittest" needs to rule in life. However, Jesus calls His people to be servants. What is a servant? What does a servant do? We examine questions like these and seek to gain encouragement to be the servants God calls us to be. [video only, no audio]
Aaron Baker
Text: Luke 12:35-40
A Fresh Start, Like Peter
Peter is an interesting character found in the Scriptures. Some moments, his faith shines bright and true. At other moments, we see him denying his savior. There were definitely times of success and failure in Peter's life. This sermon comes from the book of Mark (called by some, "Peter's Gospel") due to the closeness of Mark and Peter. We see a unique perspective into Peter's life when we look through the lens of Mark's Gospel. We see Peter's failures, but also his successes. Perhaps this makes Peter even more relatable to our faith as we have moments of failure and success.
Listen or watch here to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Mark 16:1, 2
Peter is an interesting character found in the Scriptures. Some moments, his faith shines bright and true. At other moments, we see him denying his savior. There were definitely times of success and failure in Peter's life. This sermon comes from the book of Mark (called by some, "Peter's Gospel") due to the closeness of Mark and Peter. We see a unique perspective into Peter's life when we look through the lens of Mark's Gospel. We see Peter's failures, but also his successes. Perhaps this makes Peter even more relatable to our faith as we have moments of failure and success.
Listen or watch here to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Mark 16:1, 2
A Fresh Start: Our Foundation
If your house foundation fails, would it matter? If our country's foundations failed, would it matter? Does your spiritual foundation matter? In everything, we need to respect our foundation, guard it, and help it grow!
Christians mentioned in the book of Hebrews had been neglecting their foundation, and it showed. Instead of their faith growing, it was shrinking. Instead of reaching out, they were focused on reaching in. Instead of strengthening their foundation, it was crumbling. Don't let this happen to you!
Listen here or watch to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Hebrews 6:1, 2
If your house foundation fails, would it matter? If our country's foundations failed, would it matter? Does your spiritual foundation matter? In everything, we need to respect our foundation, guard it, and help it grow!
Christians mentioned in the book of Hebrews had been neglecting their foundation, and it showed. Instead of their faith growing, it was shrinking. Instead of reaching out, they were focused on reaching in. Instead of strengthening their foundation, it was crumbling. Don't let this happen to you!
Listen here or watch to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Hebrews 6:1, 2
A Fresh Start with Confidence
Every person has some level of confidence. Some may feel so confident in that they feel they can do anything. Others may lack confidence to a point where they feel useless or worthless. Many times we can put our confidence in the wrong people/things. Sometimes we let the struggles of the world get our confidence down. Confidence is a powerful tool that can be used positively or negatively. The question is...what/who is your confidence in? Please join us as we take a glimpse into Paul's life and see how he was a great example for us in showing us where our confidence should be...in the Lord.
Ben McDonald
Text: 2 Timothy 1:7
Every person has some level of confidence. Some may feel so confident in that they feel they can do anything. Others may lack confidence to a point where they feel useless or worthless. Many times we can put our confidence in the wrong people/things. Sometimes we let the struggles of the world get our confidence down. Confidence is a powerful tool that can be used positively or negatively. The question is...what/who is your confidence in? Please join us as we take a glimpse into Paul's life and see how he was a great example for us in showing us where our confidence should be...in the Lord.
Ben McDonald
Text: 2 Timothy 1:7
A Fresh Start at What to Do
Not knowing what to do can be devastating. If a friend was choking on food and you didn't know what to do, how would that make you feel? When we see bad things happen, we can become paralyzed with fear, and inaction can be devastating!
We live in a world where bad things happen around us all the time. For those trying to live for God each day, it can feel like we are powerless, and there is nothing we can do. The question is asked in Ps 11:3, "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Perhaps from time to time you have asked the same question. Instead of being paralyzed with fear, giving up, or giving in, we will look at the answer to this question. [Hint: the answer is...TRUST IN GOD]
Aaron Baker
Text: Psalm 11:1-7
Not knowing what to do can be devastating. If a friend was choking on food and you didn't know what to do, how would that make you feel? When we see bad things happen, we can become paralyzed with fear, and inaction can be devastating!
We live in a world where bad things happen around us all the time. For those trying to live for God each day, it can feel like we are powerless, and there is nothing we can do. The question is asked in Ps 11:3, "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Perhaps from time to time you have asked the same question. Instead of being paralyzed with fear, giving up, or giving in, we will look at the answer to this question. [Hint: the answer is...TRUST IN GOD]
Aaron Baker
Text: Psalm 11:1-7
A Fresh Start at Remembering
It has been said that forgetting can be a blessing. Those with an unusual memory can remember everything that happened on every day of their life. On good days, that would be wonderful, reliving time spent with loved ones or replaying days we were on vacation. However, it would be tough having to relive painful, hard, and troublesome days. It seems then that forgetting certain things and remembering others can be a blessing.
As we are on a journey towards heaven it is necessary to remember a few key points. Listen here to learn more!
Aaron Baker
Text: Numbers 10:11-13
It has been said that forgetting can be a blessing. Those with an unusual memory can remember everything that happened on every day of their life. On good days, that would be wonderful, reliving time spent with loved ones or replaying days we were on vacation. However, it would be tough having to relive painful, hard, and troublesome days. It seems then that forgetting certain things and remembering others can be a blessing.
As we are on a journey towards heaven it is necessary to remember a few key points. Listen here to learn more!
Aaron Baker
Text: Numbers 10:11-13
A Fresh Start at Winning
We all like to win, don't we?!?! There are certain things we can do to keep ourself from winning the ultimate prize of the upward call with Christ Jesus. Join us this Sunday as we look at some things that might keep us from winning.
Why is this important? Because losing a spiritual battle is NOT AN OPTION. We need to be on the winning side, the Lord's side!
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 4:10-13
We all like to win, don't we?!?! There are certain things we can do to keep ourself from winning the ultimate prize of the upward call with Christ Jesus. Join us this Sunday as we look at some things that might keep us from winning.
Why is this important? Because losing a spiritual battle is NOT AN OPTION. We need to be on the winning side, the Lord's side!
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 4:10-13
A Fresh Start at Being Safe
We all crave safety. In fact, if we feel unsafe we will usually fight or flight, even if it is a verbal or physical confrontation. Paul shows us how we can be safe. God wants us to ultimately have spiritual safety, but reminds Christians we are not guaranteed physical safety (2 Tim 3:12).
Join us this Sunday as we look at what God uses to keep us safe. Perhaps it will encourage you in your faith to see how we can be safe and what God wants us to know about safety.
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 3:1
We all crave safety. In fact, if we feel unsafe we will usually fight or flight, even if it is a verbal or physical confrontation. Paul shows us how we can be safe. God wants us to ultimately have spiritual safety, but reminds Christians we are not guaranteed physical safety (2 Tim 3:12).
Join us this Sunday as we look at what God uses to keep us safe. Perhaps it will encourage you in your faith to see how we can be safe and what God wants us to know about safety.
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 3:1
A Fresh Start at Putting Others First
We learn best from examples. It is one thing to tell someone something, but showing them is better. Jesus didn't just "tell" us to put others before self, He showed us by giving His own life. Paul uses 4 examples in Philippians chapter 2 and 3 of people who put the needs of others above their own: Jesus, Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus. Listen here to learn more...
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 2:5-8
We learn best from examples. It is one thing to tell someone something, but showing them is better. Jesus didn't just "tell" us to put others before self, He showed us by giving His own life. Paul uses 4 examples in Philippians chapter 2 and 3 of people who put the needs of others above their own: Jesus, Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus. Listen here to learn more...
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 2:5-8
A Fresh Start at Advancing the Gospel
Does your situation define your faith, or do you use your faith to shape your situation? Paul was in prison, yet used it as an opportunity to reach out and advance the Gospel. Today, can you use your situation to advance the Gospel? Paul did
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 1:12-18
Does your situation define your faith, or do you use your faith to shape your situation? Paul was in prison, yet used it as an opportunity to reach out and advance the Gospel. Today, can you use your situation to advance the Gospel? Paul did
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 1:12-18
A Fresh Start at Unity
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 1:27-30
Where does unity begin and end? There are too many things in this world seeking to tear the world apart, like hatred, anger, and evil. Instead of pushing people further apart, Jesus came to bring people together. That "togetherness" came at a cost, His life! If we are ever going to have unity, it will come at a cost. I need to put MY selfish desires second, and seek to lift others up. Can I do it? Will I do it?
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 1:27-30
Where does unity begin and end? There are too many things in this world seeking to tear the world apart, like hatred, anger, and evil. Instead of pushing people further apart, Jesus came to bring people together. That "togetherness" came at a cost, His life! If we are ever going to have unity, it will come at a cost. I need to put MY selfish desires second, and seek to lift others up. Can I do it? Will I do it?
A Fresh Start with Fathers
Aaron Baker
Text: Malachi 4:5-6
One of the characteristics of John's ministry, and that of Jesus is the fact that hearts of fathers would be turned towards their children. Why does a father's heart turn away from his children? What could cause that to happen?
God is our described in Scripture as our Heavenly Father. Why is that, and what does that mean to us? Listen or watch to learn more!
Aaron Baker
Text: Malachi 4:5-6
One of the characteristics of John's ministry, and that of Jesus is the fact that hearts of fathers would be turned towards their children. Why does a father's heart turn away from his children? What could cause that to happen?
God is our described in Scripture as our Heavenly Father. Why is that, and what does that mean to us? Listen or watch to learn more!
A Fresh Start: Under Construction
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 1:5-7
As Christians, we never "arrive" in this life. That is, we never come to the point where we don't have one area of our lives we need to work on, improve, or fully remodel. Paul shows in Philippians that Christians need to be consistent, confident, and in living for God each day we will see the word of God confirmed.
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 1:5-7
As Christians, we never "arrive" in this life. That is, we never come to the point where we don't have one area of our lives we need to work on, improve, or fully remodel. Paul shows in Philippians that Christians need to be consistent, confident, and in living for God each day we will see the word of God confirmed.
A Fresh Start: The Joy of My Salvation
Aaron Baker
Text: Psalm 51:10-12
If one cannot lose their salvation, they why would David yearn for God to "restore" unto him the joy of his salvation. David had sinned with Bathsheba and was repenting to God and desiring for God to restore him. David needed help. We all do!
Do you remember the day you became a Christian? How did it feel? How happy were you, coming out of the waters of baptism? It was a great feeling, no doubt. Now fast forward to today. Have you lost the joy of your salvation? Have you lost your salvation itself? What has changed from then until now?
Aaron Baker
Text: Psalm 51:10-12
If one cannot lose their salvation, they why would David yearn for God to "restore" unto him the joy of his salvation. David had sinned with Bathsheba and was repenting to God and desiring for God to restore him. David needed help. We all do!
Do you remember the day you became a Christian? How did it feel? How happy were you, coming out of the waters of baptism? It was a great feeling, no doubt. Now fast forward to today. Have you lost the joy of your salvation? Have you lost your salvation itself? What has changed from then until now?
A Fresh Start With Service
Aaron Baker
Text: 1 Corinthians 4:1-5
Serving can be tough. Those who serve can get worn out, over-extended, and under-appreciated. Yet, Christians are called to be servants. What does it mean to be a servant? What kind of servant am I? As I serve, I need to remember I am a steward of my time, talents, and energies and that ultimately, God sees my heart in my service.
Aaron Baker
Text: 1 Corinthians 4:1-5
Serving can be tough. Those who serve can get worn out, over-extended, and under-appreciated. Yet, Christians are called to be servants. What does it mean to be a servant? What kind of servant am I? As I serve, I need to remember I am a steward of my time, talents, and energies and that ultimately, God sees my heart in my service.
A Fresh Start With the King of Kings
Jesus is the King of Kings! He is Lord. He is Savior. He is the one who died on the cross for our sins because of His great love for you.
What kind of crown does your king wear? Who the king of your life is...matters! Some follow a king with a golden crown, who wears fancy clothes and lives in a palace. The King of Kings wore a crown of thorns, wore regular clothes, and did not live in a fancy palace. Yet, He is our King!
Aaron Baker
Text: John 18:33-38
Jesus is the King of Kings! He is Lord. He is Savior. He is the one who died on the cross for our sins because of His great love for you.
What kind of crown does your king wear? Who the king of your life is...matters! Some follow a king with a golden crown, who wears fancy clothes and lives in a palace. The King of Kings wore a crown of thorns, wore regular clothes, and did not live in a fancy palace. Yet, He is our King!
Aaron Baker
Text: John 18:33-38
A Fresh Start With Jesus
There are many reasons to believe Jesus, to follow Him, and to love Him. We look at the first few chapter of the book of Mark to discover great opportunities to have faith in and follow Jesus. At the end of the day, what I decide about Jesus matters!
If you could make a fresh start with someone, would you do it? Sometimes in relationships we argue about the "small stuff" and have to back up and just start over because we remember the "big stuff"...like how continuing to argue will make our relationship grow weaker, not stronger. Wouldn't it be great to just say, "Jesus, I need a fresh start." The great thing is, Jesus is VERY willing to give you that fresh start.
Aaron Baker
Text: Mark 1:40-45
There are many reasons to believe Jesus, to follow Him, and to love Him. We look at the first few chapter of the book of Mark to discover great opportunities to have faith in and follow Jesus. At the end of the day, what I decide about Jesus matters!
If you could make a fresh start with someone, would you do it? Sometimes in relationships we argue about the "small stuff" and have to back up and just start over because we remember the "big stuff"...like how continuing to argue will make our relationship grow weaker, not stronger. Wouldn't it be great to just say, "Jesus, I need a fresh start." The great thing is, Jesus is VERY willing to give you that fresh start.
Aaron Baker
Text: Mark 1:40-45
A Fresh Start At Cultivating Faith
Faith is tender. Like a gentle flower it can bud, blossom and grow. When neglected, unfed and untended, it can wither and die. This Sunday is Mother's Day. Join us as we delve into the impact mothers can make on their kids. We'll look at some great mothers, and some terrible ones. No matter what kind of mother you have had we can all learn the importance of cultivating our faith.
Aaron Baker
Text: 2 Timothy 3:14-15
Faith is tender. Like a gentle flower it can bud, blossom and grow. When neglected, unfed and untended, it can wither and die. This Sunday is Mother's Day. Join us as we delve into the impact mothers can make on their kids. We'll look at some great mothers, and some terrible ones. No matter what kind of mother you have had we can all learn the importance of cultivating our faith.
Aaron Baker
Text: 2 Timothy 3:14-15
A Fresh Start At Knowing What To Do
Knowing what to do can be hard, especially when you don't have time to think! That is why first-responders go through rigorous and continual training so there is more "muscle memory" and less "situational decision making" in the heat of the moment. First-responders need to act in an instant and take less time to make decisions.
As Christians, the more time we spend in God's word, the more His word will become more like "muscle memory". In difficult times, we need to have our mind made up and our faith settled instead of trying to figure out what to do in times of persecution. The reality is that persecution will happen. Will we be ready for it? Will your faith be settled before hand, or will you try to make up your mind in the last minute?
Aaron Baker
Text: 2 Corinthians 4:7-12
Knowing what to do can be hard, especially when you don't have time to think! That is why first-responders go through rigorous and continual training so there is more "muscle memory" and less "situational decision making" in the heat of the moment. First-responders need to act in an instant and take less time to make decisions.
As Christians, the more time we spend in God's word, the more His word will become more like "muscle memory". In difficult times, we need to have our mind made up and our faith settled instead of trying to figure out what to do in times of persecution. The reality is that persecution will happen. Will we be ready for it? Will your faith be settled before hand, or will you try to make up your mind in the last minute?
Aaron Baker
Text: 2 Corinthians 4:7-12
A Fresh Start For You
A fresh start cannot happen until we get a few things in place. To start a new business, you might have to have a business & marketing plan, financing, products in-hand to sell, and a storefront. A new business can't start without some work done up front. In the same way, a fresh start will require some things to be done up front to ensure the best possible outcome.
In this sermon we will look at how Paul encourages the church in Colossae to get their mind right about Christ, get their heart right about His sacrifice for them, get their future right, and get themselves right in the process. A little up front talk about Christ and how that motivates us will produce the best fresh start possible. Watch or listen to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Colossians 1:15-23
A fresh start cannot happen until we get a few things in place. To start a new business, you might have to have a business & marketing plan, financing, products in-hand to sell, and a storefront. A new business can't start without some work done up front. In the same way, a fresh start will require some things to be done up front to ensure the best possible outcome.
In this sermon we will look at how Paul encourages the church in Colossae to get their mind right about Christ, get their heart right about His sacrifice for them, get their future right, and get themselves right in the process. A little up front talk about Christ and how that motivates us will produce the best fresh start possible. Watch or listen to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Colossians 1:15-23
A Fresh Start: Roots and Fruits
The fruit is connected to the root! Seems obvious, right? If fruit on a tree is gross, bitter and disgusting, it is usually because something is wrong at the root of the tree. Maybe the tree is not getting enough nutrients. Maybe something has poisoned the roots. The fruit is necessarily connected to the root.
The same can be said about a Christian's faith. If our fruits are not evident, if they are bitter or don't exist, then maybe we need to look at our roots. Are we connected to Christ? Are we rooted and grounded in love? Listen to the video or audio to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Jeremiah 12:1, 2
The fruit is connected to the root! Seems obvious, right? If fruit on a tree is gross, bitter and disgusting, it is usually because something is wrong at the root of the tree. Maybe the tree is not getting enough nutrients. Maybe something has poisoned the roots. The fruit is necessarily connected to the root.
The same can be said about a Christian's faith. If our fruits are not evident, if they are bitter or don't exist, then maybe we need to look at our roots. Are we connected to Christ? Are we rooted and grounded in love? Listen to the video or audio to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Jeremiah 12:1, 2
A Fresh Start With Grace pt. 2
The children of Israel wandered around the wilderness for 40 years. When it came time for them to enter into the promised land, God planned for people to have access to a place of refuge. Six cities were designated as the "Cities of Refuge" and if we look at these as descriptions of grace that God extends to His people, it seems there is much we can learn about grace from these cities.
Listen or watch this lesson as we discover the names of these six cities, and what they can teach us about God's grace.
Aaron Baker
Text: Joshua 20:1-6
The children of Israel wandered around the wilderness for 40 years. When it came time for them to enter into the promised land, God planned for people to have access to a place of refuge. Six cities were designated as the "Cities of Refuge" and if we look at these as descriptions of grace that God extends to His people, it seems there is much we can learn about grace from these cities.
Listen or watch this lesson as we discover the names of these six cities, and what they can teach us about God's grace.
Aaron Baker
Text: Joshua 20:1-6
A Fresh Start With Grace
Grace: So needed and so misunderstood. Watch or listen below as we take a look at grace and see what we can learn. We'll be defining grace, seeing WHY God originally extended grace to mankind, and learning how we can access that grace. To bring it all home, we'll look at how WE can show that grace in our lives. Click to get started...
Aaron Baker
Text: Ephesians 2:4, 5
Grace: So needed and so misunderstood. Watch or listen below as we take a look at grace and see what we can learn. We'll be defining grace, seeing WHY God originally extended grace to mankind, and learning how we can access that grace. To bring it all home, we'll look at how WE can show that grace in our lives. Click to get started...
Aaron Baker
Text: Ephesians 2:4, 5
A Fresh Start in Looking at the Resurrection
Today we have a guest speaker, Calvin Barrett. Our congregation here at Foristell is one of Calvin's supporters while he is studying the Bible at the Memphis School of Preaching (MSOP). We are glad to meet Calvin for the first time in-person and thankful that he can bring a lesson from God's word.
Calvin's lesson centers around the most important event in all of history: the resurrection of Christ. Watch the video below or download the audio to hear more about proofs that Jesus really lived, died, and was raised from the dead.
Calvin Barrett
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:14-20
Today we have a guest speaker, Calvin Barrett. Our congregation here at Foristell is one of Calvin's supporters while he is studying the Bible at the Memphis School of Preaching (MSOP). We are glad to meet Calvin for the first time in-person and thankful that he can bring a lesson from God's word.
Calvin's lesson centers around the most important event in all of history: the resurrection of Christ. Watch the video below or download the audio to hear more about proofs that Jesus really lived, died, and was raised from the dead.
Calvin Barrett
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:14-20
A Fresh Start with a Pattern
Is there a pattern for the church? What is it supposed to look like? And, what are members supposed to do? These are all great questions to which we can turn to the Scriptures for the answer. We can be thankful that God has shown us in His word what early Christians believed, how they worshipped, and how they lived. If we cling to the same promises as those Christians in the Scriptures, we should believe, worship, and live as they lived to receive the same promises and blessings they enjoyed.
Take a look at this video relating to the Pattern of the church found in the New Testament. Time wouldn't allow a glimpse at ALL the verses on this topic, but perhaps this sermon will help pique our interest and send us back to the Scriptures for answers.
Aaron Baker
Text: 2 Timothy 1:13
Is there a pattern for the church? What is it supposed to look like? And, what are members supposed to do? These are all great questions to which we can turn to the Scriptures for the answer. We can be thankful that God has shown us in His word what early Christians believed, how they worshipped, and how they lived. If we cling to the same promises as those Christians in the Scriptures, we should believe, worship, and live as they lived to receive the same promises and blessings they enjoyed.
Take a look at this video relating to the Pattern of the church found in the New Testament. Time wouldn't allow a glimpse at ALL the verses on this topic, but perhaps this sermon will help pique our interest and send us back to the Scriptures for answers.
Aaron Baker
Text: 2 Timothy 1:13
A Fresh Start for the Future
So many times we want to know, "What happens next?" We might anticipate how a movie might end and either be happy or disappointed about its ending. We *try* to anticipate what the stock market will do, but often to no avail. We love movies like, "Back to the Future" because it would be cool to go back in time, armed with the knowledge that we have now. In essence what we want to know is, "What happens next?"
This sermon explores what the bible teaches on the topic of Christ's return. Watch the video or listen to the audio to learn more as we explore the future and try to answer, "What happens next?"
Aaron Baker
Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
So many times we want to know, "What happens next?" We might anticipate how a movie might end and either be happy or disappointed about its ending. We *try* to anticipate what the stock market will do, but often to no avail. We love movies like, "Back to the Future" because it would be cool to go back in time, armed with the knowledge that we have now. In essence what we want to know is, "What happens next?"
This sermon explores what the bible teaches on the topic of Christ's return. Watch the video or listen to the audio to learn more as we explore the future and try to answer, "What happens next?"
Aaron Baker
Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
A Fresh Start at Seeing
Saul (later called Paul) was one who saw things differently. We first see him in Scripture seeing the church and the Savior as sinners. His encounter with Jesus changed how he saw the church, the Savior, and the world. We are challenged in this world to see things differently. Listen here or watch the video to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 2:19-23
Saul (later called Paul) was one who saw things differently. We first see him in Scripture seeing the church and the Savior as sinners. His encounter with Jesus changed how he saw the church, the Savior, and the world. We are challenged in this world to see things differently. Listen here or watch the video to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Philippians 2:19-23
A Fresh Start at Family
Family is so important. The family is the foundation of society and a key part of the church. If the family hurts, everyone hurts! This sermon looks to define, "What is family?" While our modern culture would like to define it for us, we have to go back to God's intention for the family.
Aaron Baker
Text: Mark 10:29-31
(Sorry, there is no separate audio file for this sermon)
Family is so important. The family is the foundation of society and a key part of the church. If the family hurts, everyone hurts! This sermon looks to define, "What is family?" While our modern culture would like to define it for us, we have to go back to God's intention for the family.
Aaron Baker
Text: Mark 10:29-31
(Sorry, there is no separate audio file for this sermon)
A Fresh Start at Counting
Sometimes, even pros have to go back to the basics. Counting is one of the most basic things we learn. For the Israelites, they had come out of Egypt, crossed the Red Sea and received God's Law at Mt Sinai. Unfortunately, they complained and had a lack of trust in God when they were encouraged to go spy out the Promised Land. As a result, they wandered around in the wilderness for 40 years. The book of Numbers records this wandering. So, what did they learn during these 40 years? They were taught the basics. They needed to trust God, obey God, and follow His word.
We can learn many great lessons from the book of Numbers. Watch this lesson or listen below to learn more from the book of Numbers and see how God is taking His people back to the basics.
Aaron Baker
Text: Numbers 9:15-16
Sometimes, even pros have to go back to the basics. Counting is one of the most basic things we learn. For the Israelites, they had come out of Egypt, crossed the Red Sea and received God's Law at Mt Sinai. Unfortunately, they complained and had a lack of trust in God when they were encouraged to go spy out the Promised Land. As a result, they wandered around in the wilderness for 40 years. The book of Numbers records this wandering. So, what did they learn during these 40 years? They were taught the basics. They needed to trust God, obey God, and follow His word.
We can learn many great lessons from the book of Numbers. Watch this lesson or listen below to learn more from the book of Numbers and see how God is taking His people back to the basics.
Aaron Baker
Text: Numbers 9:15-16
Begin a Fresh Start Now
Taking a lesson from the story of Nehemiah, how can we (the church) set goals, plans, and do the work of the Lord. The elders of the church of Christ at Foristell share some of the plans for 2021 and the need for everyone to be a part of those plans to accomplish the Lord's work.
What can you do in the next 52 days and for the rest of 2021?
Ron Ryckman, Rod Jackson and Bruce Van Hook
Text: Nehemiah 2:18-20
Taking a lesson from the story of Nehemiah, how can we (the church) set goals, plans, and do the work of the Lord. The elders of the church of Christ at Foristell share some of the plans for 2021 and the need for everyone to be a part of those plans to accomplish the Lord's work.
What can you do in the next 52 days and for the rest of 2021?
Ron Ryckman, Rod Jackson and Bruce Van Hook
Text: Nehemiah 2:18-20
A Fresh Start In Loving One Another
Love. You can't fake it. You either have it, or you don't. There is no middle ground for Christians. We are called upon to love God, and to love others. We cannot have one without the other.
Perhaps we have all hurt, and been hurt. Maybe it is time for a fresh start? Watch here to see what the Bible teaches about loving one another, and let's recognize when our love might need to be renewed.
Aaron Baker
Text: 1 John 3:16-17
(sorry, no separate audio file was recorded for this lesson)
Love. You can't fake it. You either have it, or you don't. There is no middle ground for Christians. We are called upon to love God, and to love others. We cannot have one without the other.
Perhaps we have all hurt, and been hurt. Maybe it is time for a fresh start? Watch here to see what the Bible teaches about loving one another, and let's recognize when our love might need to be renewed.
Aaron Baker
Text: 1 John 3:16-17
(sorry, no separate audio file was recorded for this lesson)
A Fresh Start Is No Accident!
A strong faith takes a conscious decision. It is a choice, and one that does not happen by accident! In this sermon we look at the faith of Hannah. She was repeatedly bullied, put down and tormented. How did she overcome? Through God's grace, mercy, and her hope.
Listen or watch as we look at Hannah's predicament and discover that her coming out on the winning side was no accident!
Aaron Baker
Text: 1 Samuel 1:8-11
A strong faith takes a conscious decision. It is a choice, and one that does not happen by accident! In this sermon we look at the faith of Hannah. She was repeatedly bullied, put down and tormented. How did she overcome? Through God's grace, mercy, and her hope.
Listen or watch as we look at Hannah's predicament and discover that her coming out on the winning side was no accident!
Aaron Baker
Text: 1 Samuel 1:8-11
A Fresh Start with Evangelism
Maybe you've tried before to reach out to your friends or family with God's word. Did it work? If it did, we are energized and excited! If it didn't, then chances are you haven't reached out since.
Maybe it is time to try again to reach out to those around you. Be equipped for the task. Be confident. Be evangelistic! Watch the video or listen to the sermon to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Matthew 4:12-17
Maybe you've tried before to reach out to your friends or family with God's word. Did it work? If it did, we are energized and excited! If it didn't, then chances are you haven't reached out since.
Maybe it is time to try again to reach out to those around you. Be equipped for the task. Be confident. Be evangelistic! Watch the video or listen to the sermon to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Matthew 4:12-17
Why a Fresh Start?
When are times I may need to consider a fresh start? Why did God destroy the world in the time of Noah and start over? All great questions! In this lesson we look at what conditions were like in the time of Noah. We are also challenged to consider if some of these attributes are present in our life, we may need a fresh start. Listen below or watch the video to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Genesis 6: 1-3
When are times I may need to consider a fresh start? Why did God destroy the world in the time of Noah and start over? All great questions! In this lesson we look at what conditions were like in the time of Noah. We are also challenged to consider if some of these attributes are present in our life, we may need a fresh start. Listen below or watch the video to learn more.
Aaron Baker
Text: Genesis 6: 1-3
A Fresh Start
With 2020 now over, we may desire to breath a collective sigh of relief. Here we are in a New Year. We have the rest of 2021 ahead of us. This is the fresh Start we've been waiting for. What will you do with your Fresh Start?
Aaron Baker
Text: Genesis 3:1-6
With 2020 now over, we may desire to breath a collective sigh of relief. Here we are in a New Year. We have the rest of 2021 ahead of us. This is the fresh Start we've been waiting for. What will you do with your Fresh Start?
Aaron Baker
Text: Genesis 3:1-6