So what can you expect when you worship with us?
Here are some things you might notice as you walk in the doors of our church building…
Bible classes for kids: you will notice that there are classrooms in our entry way, welcoming you and your kids to come study the Bible with us. We have Bible classes that are age / grade appropriate for your kids, with eager, kind and wonderful teachers. We currently have classes for 2-3 year olds, Preschool and Kindergartners, 1st – 4th graders, 5th – 8th graders, and 9th-12th graders. With many years of experience in teaching kids of all ages, our teachers are some of the best around, and you can rest assured that your kids are in good hands.
Bible classes for adults: you will notice that after you pass the kids’ classrooms in the hallway, the auditorium is where the adults meet for Bible study. We try hard to have well prepared classes with time for you to ask questions. You can enjoy knowing that all of our teachers excel at answering any and all questions straight out of the Bible. Our goal is not to just espouse our opinions or hold on to empty traditions, but to make every proclamation of the hope that is in us (2 Pet 3:15) based on the Scriptures.
Worship: you will notice that once classes are over and worship begins, our songs are sung without the accompaniment of instruments. While instruments were used in the Old Testament by God’s people, they weren’t used during worship by Christians in the New Testament church. In each case in the New Testament where we see the church worshiping, Christians were singing with their voices to God, employing their hearts as the instrument upon which they played (Eph 5:19; Col 3:16; Heb 13:15). We simply worship in the same manner as those early Christians did. In fact, singing without instruments is what the word “A capella” means, and refers to singing “in the manner of the church”.
Praying: you will notice that prayers are offered at different times, for different purposes, by different men. We worship God through our prayers and we desire to lay our cares, burdens, worries, joys and jubilations before His throne. Our prayers are offered to God, through Jesus Christ (Mt 6:9; Col 3:17; Eph 5:20).
Lord's Supper: you will notice that we partake of the Lord’s Supper each Sunday. Just as the early church met to eat of the bread and drink of the fruit of the vine each first day of the week, so we do the same (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 11:23-29). This is our weekly time to remember the sacrifice of Jesus, we rejoice in His resurrection, we review our lives and examine ourselves, and we realize that we are members of the body of Christ – the church (1 Cor 11:24-29).
The Collection: you will notice that we also take up a collection. If you are visiting with us, we do not want you to feel obligated to give. We are blessed simply by your presence with us. Our members are not taxed, sent a bill at year’s end, or required to tithe. Rather, they give of their money as they have chosen, with gladness, thankfulness and sincerity in their hearts (1 Cor 16:1, 2; 2 Cor 8:3; 9:6,7).
Preaching: you will notice that the preaching is not done out of a Lectionary, but is from the Bible. Various scriptures will be used and a theme presented as the sermon seeks to challenge and encourage everyone present to live a life dedicated to God (1 Pet 4:11). For some, that may mean coming forward during the invitation song to ask for the prayers of the church, to ask for forgiveness, to be baptized into Christ, or to let it be known that they wish to rededicate their lives to God. You will never be forced or pressured to come forward, and you will certainly not be singled out or embarrassed.
Focused worship: you won’t notice any pictures of saints or iconic images hanging from the walls. Throughout the Bible God never wanted man to produce anything by the work of his own hands and worship that production with the idea that the “thing” represented God. By not having pictures, statues or images to distract us in our worship of God, we can more readily give our whole-hearted devotion and worship to God alone (cf Isa 2:8, Hosea 8:6; 1 Cor 10:14). To keep all things done in worship decently and in order (1 Cor 14:40), we begin and end our worship with a prayer. Between those two prayers, we seek to have an orderly and focused worship service by utilizing men, as God required (1 Tim 2:8-15), to serve on the worship assembly in various roles. They will seek to focus our minds and hearts through a prayer, song, prior to the collection or thoughts around the Lord Supper. From time-to-time you may hear an "amen" from someone in the audience at the end of a prayer or at some point during the sermon. However, we do strive to encourage our worship to not be overrun with comments from the audience, banter from the pulpit, or chatter which might distract us from focusing our worship fully on our wonderful God.
We appreciate you! You will notice that we are a friendly, warm, and loving congregation. Please fill out a visitor's card so we can get to know you. We want to make you feel welcomed and loved. Looking for a place to belong? Looking for a church where you can get plugged in? Looking for some real spiritual nourishment? Then the Foristell church of Christ is the place for you!
Now that you know what to expect when visiting us, what’s keeping you away? Come worship with us!
Have a prayer request? Need to talk to someone? Contact us now at the button below...
Bible classes for adults: you will notice that after you pass the kids’ classrooms in the hallway, the auditorium is where the adults meet for Bible study. We try hard to have well prepared classes with time for you to ask questions. You can enjoy knowing that all of our teachers excel at answering any and all questions straight out of the Bible. Our goal is not to just espouse our opinions or hold on to empty traditions, but to make every proclamation of the hope that is in us (2 Pet 3:15) based on the Scriptures.
Worship: you will notice that once classes are over and worship begins, our songs are sung without the accompaniment of instruments. While instruments were used in the Old Testament by God’s people, they weren’t used during worship by Christians in the New Testament church. In each case in the New Testament where we see the church worshiping, Christians were singing with their voices to God, employing their hearts as the instrument upon which they played (Eph 5:19; Col 3:16; Heb 13:15). We simply worship in the same manner as those early Christians did. In fact, singing without instruments is what the word “A capella” means, and refers to singing “in the manner of the church”.
Praying: you will notice that prayers are offered at different times, for different purposes, by different men. We worship God through our prayers and we desire to lay our cares, burdens, worries, joys and jubilations before His throne. Our prayers are offered to God, through Jesus Christ (Mt 6:9; Col 3:17; Eph 5:20).
Lord's Supper: you will notice that we partake of the Lord’s Supper each Sunday. Just as the early church met to eat of the bread and drink of the fruit of the vine each first day of the week, so we do the same (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 11:23-29). This is our weekly time to remember the sacrifice of Jesus, we rejoice in His resurrection, we review our lives and examine ourselves, and we realize that we are members of the body of Christ – the church (1 Cor 11:24-29).
The Collection: you will notice that we also take up a collection. If you are visiting with us, we do not want you to feel obligated to give. We are blessed simply by your presence with us. Our members are not taxed, sent a bill at year’s end, or required to tithe. Rather, they give of their money as they have chosen, with gladness, thankfulness and sincerity in their hearts (1 Cor 16:1, 2; 2 Cor 8:3; 9:6,7).
Preaching: you will notice that the preaching is not done out of a Lectionary, but is from the Bible. Various scriptures will be used and a theme presented as the sermon seeks to challenge and encourage everyone present to live a life dedicated to God (1 Pet 4:11). For some, that may mean coming forward during the invitation song to ask for the prayers of the church, to ask for forgiveness, to be baptized into Christ, or to let it be known that they wish to rededicate their lives to God. You will never be forced or pressured to come forward, and you will certainly not be singled out or embarrassed.
Focused worship: you won’t notice any pictures of saints or iconic images hanging from the walls. Throughout the Bible God never wanted man to produce anything by the work of his own hands and worship that production with the idea that the “thing” represented God. By not having pictures, statues or images to distract us in our worship of God, we can more readily give our whole-hearted devotion and worship to God alone (cf Isa 2:8, Hosea 8:6; 1 Cor 10:14). To keep all things done in worship decently and in order (1 Cor 14:40), we begin and end our worship with a prayer. Between those two prayers, we seek to have an orderly and focused worship service by utilizing men, as God required (1 Tim 2:8-15), to serve on the worship assembly in various roles. They will seek to focus our minds and hearts through a prayer, song, prior to the collection or thoughts around the Lord Supper. From time-to-time you may hear an "amen" from someone in the audience at the end of a prayer or at some point during the sermon. However, we do strive to encourage our worship to not be overrun with comments from the audience, banter from the pulpit, or chatter which might distract us from focusing our worship fully on our wonderful God.
We appreciate you! You will notice that we are a friendly, warm, and loving congregation. Please fill out a visitor's card so we can get to know you. We want to make you feel welcomed and loved. Looking for a place to belong? Looking for a church where you can get plugged in? Looking for some real spiritual nourishment? Then the Foristell church of Christ is the place for you!
Now that you know what to expect when visiting us, what’s keeping you away? Come worship with us!
Have a prayer request? Need to talk to someone? Contact us now at the button below...