Theme for 2015: Bold Living
Sun AM Sermons |
Sun PM Sermons |
Bold: Confidence
We have so many reasons to be confident in God's love for us. First, we can be confident that God does not forget our work and our labor. Second, we can be confidence that God will remember His promise. Just as he remembered His promise to bless Abraham with a son (who was born almost 25 years after the original promise), so God will remember His promises to us. Third, we can have confidence because of God's character. He does not change His will, and He does not lie. Therefore, the anchor of our hope is secure and steadfast. How is your anchor? Hebrews 6:10-20 Aaron Baker 12/20/15 Bold: Confidence
Without "us" there is not "trust". Confidence is required for a relationship to sprout, grow and bloom. Since God is on our side and nothing can separate us from His love, do we have the confidence that we should have? In this sermon we examine the confidence Christians should have when we deal with our sin God's Way instead of in Man's Way. Aaron Baker Romans 8:31-39 12/13/15 Bold: Blessings
Guest speaker, Corey Sawyers, speaks about bold blessings which God gives. Corey works with the Bear Valley Bible Institute and we were glad to meet the Sawyers family and have him bring us an encouraging message this morning. Corey Sawyers Malachi 3:810 11/29/15 Bold: Church
The church in Pergamos was a church that was involved in compromise and tolerance. These attitudes threatened to kill the church, like a cancerous disease. What is it going to take to be a bold church and one pleasing to the Lamb of God? First, a bold church must be willing to be changed by God's Word. Second, a bold church must not put compromise in front of Truth. Third, a bold church does not tolerate sin. Fourth, a bold church needs to recognize the benefits of overcoming the temptation to compromise. Listen here to learn more! Aaron Baker Revelation 2:12-17 11/15/15 Bold: Church
What does it take to be a bold church? How can the church of the 21st century be bold like the church in the 1st century? This sermon discusses four ways a church can be bold: First, a bold church must listen to God's Word. Second, a bold church must realize its riches in Christ. Third, a bold church is not governed by fear. Fourth, a bold church is a faithful church. Listen here to learn more! Aaron Baker Revelation 2:8-11 11/8/15 Bold: Church
If we are going to be bold, we need to be a bold church. The "church" is not the building, for Christ did not die to purchase a building, but souls (Ac 20:28). So what characteristics does a bold church have? This week we look at the church in Ephesus that is mentioned in the book of Revelation. They had some great characteristics, but also some areas in which they needed to improve. What's it going to take to be a bold church? Listen here to learn! Aaron Baker Revelation 2:1-7 11/1/15 Bold: Grace
God's grace should cause us to live differently. It should transform us, does it? Can the world see that you are living differently...that you are living for God? This sermon examines how easy it is to retaliate when we are treated wrong. However, God calls us to live differently in this world. Listen to hear about real world examples of how to be transformed by God's grace Aaron Baker Romans 12:17-21 10/25/15 Bold: Grace
Grace is indeed a free gift from God. But, that free gift should motivate us to live our lives in action, allowing God's grace to transform us into something different...into Christians. What can I point to in my life as proof that I am letting God's grace transform me? Do I live like a Christian changed by grace should live? Find out more by listening to this lesson on grace. Aaron Baker Romans 12:3-16 10/18/15 Bold: Grace
Under the microscope this month is the topic of grace. Today we discover what grace means...and what it doesn't mean. Unfortunately, there are so many misconceptions about grace it becomes easy to be confused. This sermon seeks to show the two sides of the coin regarding grace. Aaron Baker Romans 5:3-5 10/11/15 Bold: Grace
Grace is one of the most misunderstood teachings found in the Bible. So much confusion swirls around this topic that this week we are looking at the topic by way of analogy. Grace can be compared to a vehicle. So much potential, yet you have to be "in" it to get to your destination. Listen to discover how to get "in" grace, how faith opens the door to grace and how baptism is the key that begins the journey of grace. Aaron Baker Romans 5:1, 2 10/4/15 Bold: Vision
David committed adultery with Bathsheba, then tried to cover it up. This sin ultimately ate away at him day and night. He was so blinded by his own sin that he was unable to apply God's Word to himself in the form of a parable by a prophet named Nathan. Why is it so easy for our vision to be clouded by our failures and faults? Listen to hear the lesson on how you can have bold vision! Aaron Baker Text: 2 Samuel 12 9/27/15 Bold: Vision
What you see when you look in the mirror is not always accurate. I see myself as younger, more athletic, and thinner than I actually am. The mirror becomes my "reality check". Am I seeing myself and the world around me in the way that I WANT to see the world, or in the way it actually exists. For example, the world is a place that is lost in sin and Jesus is the only cure. Yet life often distracts me from the urgency and importance of pursuing godly goals. Do I have the kind of faith that sees the unseen and lives by faith, or do I just live by sight? Aaron Baker Text: Hebrews 10:32-38 9/20/15 (Audio not recorded. Email for sermon outline or PPT slides.) |
Being Content
Christmas gift exchanging is right around the corner. Will you get what you want? What if you don't? How will you handle that? A key to being happy is being content and satisfied with those things you have. Are you content? Aaron Baker 12/20/15 1pm devotional thought Are We Willing to do God's Will?
God has used many people and things to accomplish His will, such as locust, donkeys, even rocks. Are we willing to allow God to use us to accomplish His will? Also, in light of everything happening around us, do we see the blessings God gives even in troubled times? Aaron Baker Joel 2:14 12/13/15 1 pm devotional thought The Conclusion of the Matter
For the past several months, we have been going through the book of Ecclesiastes. This experiment by Solomon has been a search to discover the meaning of life and find true happiness. Solomon's conclusion: Fear God and Keep His Commandments. Great wisdom from one of the wisest men who ever lived! Aaron Baker Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 10/25/15 Disciples in Action
Elias Roque Sr is a preacher whom our congregation supports in Honduras. He came to preach about disciples in action and to discuss the work that is ongoing in Honduras. The first audio file is of Elias Roque Sr preaching from Matthew 9, while the second is of him talking about his work in Honduras. His son, Elias Roque Jr is translating for him from Spanish to English. Elias Roque Sr. 9/20/15 |
Bold: Vision
How is your vision? Not your physical eyes, but your spiritual eyes? Jesus healed a man born blind and challenged the Pharisees to see the Truth that they were spiritually blind because they didn't "need" Jesus. The result was that they were still in their sins. Yikes! Not a place I want to be. Instead, I would rather be "in Christ", wouldn't you? Listen to discover how you can have bold vision. Aaron Baker Text: John 9:13-18 9/6/15 Bold: In our Joy
We know Christians are to be servants, but what happens when a Christians loses their joy in serving others? In serving Christ? How can we get that joy back? Listen here to find out! Aaron Baker Text: Philippians 1:12-14 8/30/15 Bold: In our Joy
It is natural to express ourselves. In fact, when we can't express ourselves through words or actions, we get frustrated. We need to express our joy, and one way to do that is through our worship and service to God. Yet sometimes we invest our joy in the wrong things. Our joy can be misplaced, short-lived and we end up with the empty "joy" that this world has to offer. Need to have more joy in your life? Listen here to discover more. Aaron Baker Text: Luke 24:52, 53 8/23/15 Bold: In our Joy
How can we have joy in our lives? Paul shows ways that joy can help overcome conflict and problems and establish peace in our hearts and minds. This is not peace that the world offers, but peace which God offers. Is your name written in the book of life? Aaron Baker Text: Philippians 4:8, 9 8/9/15 Bold: In our Joy
Paul wrote the letter to the church in Philippi while in prison. In spite of his chains, he could still rejoice. Was Paul happy? No. But, did Paul have joy that was untouched by his physical surroundings? Yes! How can we develop that level of Joy? So often today, we hear people say, "God just wants me to be happy." In truth, this is not a Biblical statement. Really, God wants you to have joy which is longer-lasting and eternal, not just temporary happiness. Learn how to have joy that is unshakable. Aaron Baker Text: Philippians 4:4-7 8/2/15 Bold: In our Courage (The woman who washed Jesus' feet with her tears)
In our text, we are confronted with a woman who breaks social customs, norms and traditions for an opportunity to plead for her sins and seek forgiveness. She was willing to do these things for Jesus because she saw herself as a sinner in need of salvation. Is it possible that she saw herself as she truly was, lost, while Simon the Pharisee saw himself in no need of a savior. We do not know her name, but we know what she did for Jesus. Her story will last in Scripture until the Lord returns. So, how do you see yourself? Aaron Baker Text: Luke 7:36-40 7/26/15 Bold: In our Courage (Daniel's 3 Friends)
God could deliver Daniel's friends as they stood at the mouth of the fiery furnace, but would He? No matter what, these 3 decided that they would not give up, they would not give in. When faced with challenges in life, how can you stare down those challenges and overcome them? Listen to find out how you can have the strength and courage to survive your fiery furnace. Aaron Baker Text: Daniel 3:19-26 7/5/15 Bold: In our Courage
Israel was standing on the side of the Jordan River. One one side, they had no land, no hope and no future. On the other side, the possibilities for their future were endless. All they had to do was go in and take the land. How would they have enough courage to conquer their Canaan? Listen to find out how you can have the strength and courage to conquer your Canaan...challenges you face every day. Aaron Baker Text: Joshua 1:6-9 6/28/15 Bold: In our Search
Are we bold in our search for the Truth? Are we bold in our search for Christ? Let's be bold! Ben Leibner 6/14/15 Bold: In Service, pt 3
Jesus left us an example of service. He wants His disciples, whether in the first century, or the 21 century to serve. Are you serving? How well? How often? Through a humiliating, powerful and intriguing practice of foot washing, Jesus is trying to motivate his disciples to not think about "themselves" but to think about others. Not a church ritual, but an example was proposed as Jesus washed his disciples' feet. Could you do it? Would you? Aaron Baker Text: John 13:3-11 5/31/15 Bold: In Service, pt 2
As we serve God, there are pitfalls along the way. Pitfalls are not created by God, but stumbling blocks are thrown in our way by Satan and often ignored by us as we live out our lives. So, what keys of success can we glean from the Scriptures that will help us serve God faithfully? Listen here to learn as we uncover lessons from Hebrews 3. Aaron Baker Text: Hebrews 3:1-6 (whole chapter, really) 5/24/15 Bold: In Service
Serving someone can happen in different ways. You might be forced to serve someone, like a slave. You might be hired to work for someone, like a servant. Or, you might choose to serve someone, like a bond-servant. The differences between these three methods of service is choice, with the ultimate being the choice one makes to serve as a bond-servant. Listen to discover the differences, and determine what kind of a servant you are. Aaron Baker Text: Deuteronomy 15:12-17 5/3/15 Bold: Remember to stay Connected
Jesus teaches a critical lesson of the importance of staying connected in John 15. There are benefits and challenges to staying connected to Christ. How connected are you? How can you stay connected? What happens if you are not connected? Listen here to learn Jesus' teaching to His disciples on the importance of connection. Aaron Baker Text: John 15:1-8 4/26/15 Bold: Good Advice to Remember
People are always looking for good advice. In fact, there is an entire website dedicated to people asking questions and seeking advice ( Here are 3 pearls of wisdom and good advice to remember in your daily lives: 1) Your problems are not as big as you think 2) You cannot do it on your own 3) Rely on God Aaron Baker Text: Ephesians 2:4-10 4/19/15 Bold: In Remembering What You Want
What is is that you want? Did you want to be astronaut, but became distracted by life and discouraged? The scary reality is that in the end God will give us what we want. That is, if we choose to receive eternal punishment, He will let us have it (though He DOESN"T want that for you - 2 Peter 3:9). Should you choose life and live "in the light" then you can have forgiveness and eternal life. The questions are: What do you really want? And...Do you even remember what it is you really want? Aaron Baker Text: Romans 1:20-25 4/12/15 Bold: In Remembering
Today is "Easter" Sunday, a day in which the world will honor Christ's resurrection. Did you know that you can honor the resurrection by 1) acting it out 2) knowing that repetition is important, and 3) by remembering His resurrection weekly? More than just remembering the resurrection once a year, we can remember the resurrection each week. How good are you at remembering? Aaron Baker Text: 1 Corinthians 15:-14 4/5/15 Bold: Is Your Marriage BOLD or COLD?
Some marriages are good, but one or both spouses do not pursue godly goals in life. Some marriages are poor, with one or both spouses pursuing awesome, righteous, godly goals. The best marriage is that which both spouses are enjoying a great marriage while at the same time pursuing godly goals. This sermon exposes some marriages recorded in the Bible which are poor, some that are great, and some that are the best examples for us to follow. So, is your marriage BOLD or COLD? Aaron Baker Text: Acts 18:26 3/29/15 Strengthening Your Marriage: Getting a Grip on Your Finances
Money can be the source of pain, anguish and strife in many marriages. What is the best way to handle your money? Should you have a budget? Should you have separate bank accounts? Brandon Jackson (Owner of True Health Chiropractic and member at Foristell church of Christ) shares personal experience and Biblical advice on how to get a grip on your finances. Brandon Jackson 3/25/14 Strengthening Your Marriage: Communicating in Marriage
In unhappy couples, lack of communication is usually the top problem. So, how can I do a better job communicating with my spouse and strengthen my marriage? Kendall Fox, preacher for the Pacific, MO church of Christ shares with us tips on communicating in marriage. Kendall Fox 3/24/15 Strengthening your Marriage: How to Affair-Proof your Marriage
Married couples who care about their marriage and want it to last loathe affairs. With marriage viewed as disposable as a paper plate or plastic cup, how can we affair-proof our marriages? Terry Mabery, preacher for the Collinsville, IL church of Christ shares with us lessons learned from nearly 50 years of marriage (50th will be in August '15). Terry Mabery 3/23/15 Bold: Marriage Misconceptions
What is it going to take to have a bold marriage? First, it requires an honest look into popular misconceptions we have swallowed regarding marriage. Second, it requires overcoming those misconceptions. Here are some popular marriage misconceptions we discuss in this sermon: 1) If Mama Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy 2) Happiness is the Most Important Thing in Marriage 3) If I Do What I Always Do, Then I Will Get A Different Result 4) The Grass is Greener on the Other Side 5) Marriage is Old-Fashioned 6) Once I'm Married, I Don't Have to Try So Hard Aaron Baker Text: Ephesians 5:21-32 3/8/15 Bold: Loving God Deeply
Fourth lesson in the series. Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him. Peter responded that he loved Jesus, but at a lower level than what Jesus wanted. Looking at the word-play used between Jesus and Peter, we can understand the love, knowledge and work Christians are called to have. Listen to learn how the word-play unfolds... Aaron Baker Text: John 21:15-19 2/22/15 Bold: in Love Towards One Another
Third lesson in the series. How can you identify a Christian? Is it in wearing the "right clothes"? The Jews thought so, that's why they wore phylacteries and tassels on their garments (Mt 23:5). Jesus shows us that Christians will be "known for" and identified by their love for one another. So, how well do you love others? Need some more practice and improvement? Listen here to learn how you can do a better job of loving one another. Aaron Baker Text: John 13:34, 35; 14:2 2/15/15 Bold: in Love
Second lesson in the series. How can we go from a superficial to a super-deep faith? It's not easy, but it is rewarding and possible. God loved the world and sent Jesus to die for our sins. He did not come for the purpose of condemning the world, yet that is still a result of His coming. Learn how to really be in love with God by listening to this sermon. By: Aaron Baker Text: John 3:16-21 2/8/15 Bold: In Love
Are you in love with God? Really in love with God? Or, do you just like the idea of being in love with God. That is, someone who answers your prayers, blesses you, but doesn't require anything from you. God is in love with you! Do you love Him or the idea of loving Him? Listen to learn the difference. By: Aaron Baker Text: Matthew 8:18-22 2/1/15 Bold: In Our Giving
What is your motivation for giving? Do you give because of peer pressure? Guilt? Believing that by giving, you will be saved? Jesus addresses these common motivations and attitudes in giving in his sermon on the Mount. Learn how you can have the right motivation to give, and be rewarded by God! By: Aaron Baker Text: Matthew 6:1-4 1/25/15 Bold: In Our Giving
Some have said that the biggest nerve in the entire human body is the one that runs from the brain to the wallet. That is, giving is a sore subject for many. We don't want to talk about it, but less DO IT! Learn how to be an effective giver and see what made the Macedonian Christians able to give out of their poverty. By: Aaron Baker Text: 2 Cor 8:1-7 1/18/15 Bold: In Our Giving
Why do so many people cringe when the preacher talks about giving? Is it because we love money more than God? Physical more than Spiritual? Maybe. As we challenge ourselves to be bold in 2015, we examine our giving. We are stewards while we are on this earth. Nothing really belongs to us, we are just managing it for God. What we give, therefore, become a question NOT of "What am I giving to God?" but rather "What am I holding back from God, because it's His anyways". Learn some keys and results of systematic giving. By: Aaron Baker Text: Luke 6:38 1/11/15 Be Bold in 2015
Experiments of a Preacher: Death comes to all. Are you ready for it?
Death is the great equalizer. It comes to the rich and poor, those who worship, and those who do not. In light of the fact that death is coming, are you ready for it? Those who are ready for death need not fear it, they need to just go ahead and live their lives. Do we know anything in death? Do we hear, think, feel, or are we just "unconscious"? Listen as we discuss these ideas. Aaron Baker Text: Ecclesiastes 9:2-10 Experiments of a Preacher: Wisdom in dealing with people in authority
As king, Solomon has some advice to give. He wants to impart wisdom and happiness into your life if you are wise enough to accept it. Specifically, Solomon talks about how to act while serving a king. Practically, we could read "how to act in front of the CEO". In spite of all this wisdom one thing is certain, "No one has power in the day of death" (8:8) so you had better be ready for the day of judgment. Aaron Baker Text: Ecclesiastes 8:1-9 7/26/15 Experiments of a Preacher: Observations
What does it mean, "Do not be overly not be overly wicked" (Eccl 7:16, 17)? Does it mean that I can be a "little" righteous and a "little" wicked and be A-Okay in God's sight? Nope. Solomon is speaking about balance. We need balance in our lives. Too much vacation or too much work are not a good thing. We need to avoid extremes. Listen to this lesson of observations made by one of the wisest men to ever live. Aaron Baker Text: Ecclesiastes 7:15-22 7/5/15 Experiments of a Preacher: Lessons Learned
Solomon makes a series of comparisons in order to teach us that which is valuable in life: considering the importance of spiritual things. Listen to discover why spiritual things should be important to our lives Aaron Baker Text: Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 6/28/15 Hell: What will it be Like?
Will it be bad? Ever wonder how bad it will be? Will it be a place where we go and feel bad for just a short time, or for all of eternity? Jimmy Colvett (Preacher for Matthews, MO church of Christ) answers these questions and more. Listen to the lesson here. Jimmy Colvett 6/21/15 Experiments of a Preacher: A self-serving life is vain
The search for happiness takes Solomon down many paths. In chapter 5, he examines worship (1-7), revisits corruption and injustice (8-17), then gives some general advice (18-21). Will we listen to Solomon's advice that happiness can only be found with God? Aaron Baker Text: Ecclesiastes 5 5/24/15 Experiments of a Preacher
Solomon begins his series of experiments in the search for happiness. He notices that there are definite cycles of life (like living and dying) that we should pay attention to if we are wise. However, during his experiments he saw injustice. Life without God isn't fair...unless God is the ultimate judge. Aaron Baker Text: Ecclesiastes 3:15-22 4/26/15 Launching the Experiment
This week we cover chapters 1 and 2 to examine what experiments Solomon undertook in his search for happiness and meaning in life. Aaron Baker Text: Ecclesiastes chapters 1, 2 4/12/15 Experiments: The Search for Happiness
Solomon was one of the wisest men who has ever lived. He searched for meaning in life and sought happiness. He conducted experiments to discover where meaning and happiness are found. This sermon sets the stage for a study of the book of Ecclesiastes beginning this week. Aaron Baker Book of Ecclesiastes 4/5/15 What is the Work of an Elder?
Now that you know what qualities an elder should have (and continue to possess), what work do they do? This week we complete our study of 1 Peter 5:2-4 to uncover the work of an elder. Aaron Baker Text: 1 Peter 5:2-4 3/8/15 What is the Work of an Elder?
(last week did not get recorded) Once we learned about the qualities that elders are to have, what work do they do? This week, we look at several verses in Acts and then turn our attention towards 1 Peter 5 to discover what an elder actually does. Aaron Baker Text: 1 Peter 5:1-5 2/22/15 Elders Lesson 15: Self Control, Able to Exhort,
Able to Convict This is it, the end of the line. We have discovered qualities a man should possess to serve as an elder in the Lord's church by looking at 1 Tim 3 and Titus 1. This brings an end to our studies on elder's qualifications. Next week will be a missions report as this is not the end...just a break. 2/15 we will begin talking about the WORK of an elder. That's elder has to have the right qualities, but also accomplish the work the Lord has set in place for him to do. Aaron Baker Text: Titus 1:8, 9 2/1/15 Elders Lesson 14: Positive qualities of an elder
Some qualities repeated from 1 Tim 3, but an elder is a man who will lead in such a way that he is an example to the flock. A leader. A visionary...who casts realistic goals. This week we look at: hospitable, lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, and holy. By: Aaron Baker Text: Titus 1:8 1/25/15 Elders Lesson 13: 7 "nots" That Need to be Tied
Paul mentions 7 qualities that a man who might become an elder should "not" have. To say it positively, an elder needs to be a man that has proved his worth, faith and dedication to the Lord. Do you have that kind of character? By: Aaron Baker Text: Titus 1:7 1/18/15 Elders Lesson 12: Believing Children, part 2
After examining what it means to have "believing children" we now dive into two descriptors of these believing children...that they not be accused of dissipation or insubordination. What do those two big words mean anyways? Listen to learn! By: Aaron Baker Text: Titus 1:6 1/11/15 Elders Lesson 11: Believing Children