Campaign Work Schedule
Wednesday, May 18th
Workers arrive
Thursday, May 19th
9 - noon Wentzville Senior Center
1 - 4 Wentzville Senior Center
Paint benches (6-8); Picnic benches (2)
Paint trash can holders
Rake & clean rocks, leaves by doors, pull weeds
Friday, May 20th
9 - noon Operation Backpack Help; Foristell center of town (St. Chas, pg 26 map)
1 - 4 Foristell - Darryl Rd, N of I-70; Gittmeier; Ellerman Oaks (St. Chas, pg 41 map)
Saturday, May 21st
9 - noon Wright City, Ridgewood Dr; Chesterfield Subd, S of I-70
1 - 4 Chesterfield Subd, S of I-70
Workers arrive
Thursday, May 19th
9 - noon Wentzville Senior Center
1 - 4 Wentzville Senior Center
Paint benches (6-8); Picnic benches (2)
Paint trash can holders
Rake & clean rocks, leaves by doors, pull weeds
Friday, May 20th
9 - noon Operation Backpack Help; Foristell center of town (St. Chas, pg 26 map)
1 - 4 Foristell - Darryl Rd, N of I-70; Gittmeier; Ellerman Oaks (St. Chas, pg 41 map)
Saturday, May 21st
9 - noon Wright City, Ridgewood Dr; Chesterfield Subd, S of I-70
1 - 4 Chesterfield Subd, S of I-70